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Why this Program

The current program is unique in the world in regard to its language focus. With its geographical focus on the entire Baltic-Sea region, it is also unique amongst all sociolinguistic M.A. programs in Europe in the width of languages and societies covered by the program. What also makes it special is its focus on multilingualism in a wide sense rather than on language policy and planning issues concerning just one European minority population or country.

The program offers the following knowledge and competences that are especially relevant for being successful on the job market: foreign language skills beyond the “standard” package, cross-cultural awareness and communication skills, sociolinguistic professional qualifications, scientific analytical skills with a focus on the interplay of language(s) and societies.

The universities jointly offering this program have long-standing research co-operations that investigate multilingualism in eight European countries. Our teaching staff has a firm theoretical as well as practical up-to-date knowledge of the research conducted in the field. Moreover, joint research attempts currently carried out on, e.g., minority languages, Baltic region languages as well as lesser used and taught languages, will offer students a possibility for professional networking and perspectives for their future job mobility within the European labor market.

Admission Requirements

Students have to fulfill the following admission requirements:

  • Bachelor Degree or equivalent in Humanities or Social Sciences. The Bachelor Degree shall contain at least 30 ECTS in the field of linguistics or philology.
  • Good knowledge of English on the level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Students from non-partner universities are asked to provide the proof of English language proficiency.
  • Admission interview. Virtual interviews are conducted online with admissions representatives using video chat software. Applicants who meet minimum requirements are invited by email to schedule their interview date with the Admissions Committee.

NB: Non-EU students:

Certificate of your private health insurance for the entire period of your studies (2 years). The document must clearly state that your insurance covers at least EUR 30,000 each year. Since you cannot get enrolled at a German university without valid health insurance, no exceptions will be made. If you don’t have proof of health insurance that covers at least EUR 30,000 a year, you will not be enrolled – you need to purchase health insurance in Germany and need to bring the certificates with you to Kaunas.

Application Procedure

The application procedure is coordinated by VMU International Cooperation Department.

All documents required for admission to SoMu must be submitted on DreamApply platform:

  • Scan of original High School certificate in full colour;
  • Scan of original High School grade sheet/transcripts in full colour;
  • Scan of original official results of the State Examination in full colour;
  • Scan of original Bachelor Diploma in full colour;
  • Scan of original Bachelor Diploma Supplement in full colour;
  • Scan of original transcript of records in full colour;
  • Curriculum vitae (in English);
  • Motivation letter;
  • Scan of passport or other document of identification in full colour (the document must be valid at least 2 years from its submission for studies);
  • Scan of a recent photo;
  • Proof of English language proficiency (TOEFL or IELTS) (the certificate must be valid at least 2 years from the date of its submission for studies);

*Documents in the original language must be legalized with an “Apostille” (for citizens of countries acceding to the 1961 Hague Convention). All documents issued in languages other than English must be supplemented with an official translation. A translation is considered to be official when it is bound to a certified true copy of the document in the original language and is attested by the translator’s signature. Documents issued in English do not require a translation.

All application documents must be submitted on the DreamApply platform and arrive by regular mail (if it is stated so in Country Specific Requirements) at the VMU International Cooperation Department by the application deadline. Documents must be either in English or in Lithuanian.

Please note that incomplete or late applications will not be processed.

How to Pay the Application Fee

The application fee of EUR 150 (not refundable) should be paid before submitting the application. Bank transfers can be sent directly from your bank to Vytautas Magnus University’s bank account or via FlyWire.

Bank account details

  • Account holder: Vytautas Magnus University
  • Address: K. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44248 Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Company code: 111950396
  • Bank: AB SEB bankas
  • Bank Account: LT04 7044 0600 0284 8625
  • Bank Code: 70440

Important! Please indicate your name and surname in the payment details.

For International Students

Temporary Residence Permit (TRP)

Students who are EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA citizens entering Lithuania must have valid passports or ID cards. EU/EEA citizens are required to apply for a Certificate confirming the right of a citizen of a European Union member state of temporary residence in the Republic of Lithuania if they stay for more than 90 days. They can obtain a Temporary Residence Permit for studies in Lithuania at the Migration Department office after having arrived in Kaunas.

All students who are non-EU/EEA citizens must obtain a Temporary Residence Permit: More information here | Visa guide.

Required documents for Migration Department

For EU Citizens:

  • Online application form (;
  • Passport (or ID card) and its copy (last page with a photograph);
  • Student status confirmation (provided by VMU Student Center);
  • Bank statement (with the amount 3852 EUR (321 EUR/month) per year). If the account is not in a Lithuanian bank, the statement should be in English or translated into Lithuanian;
  • Document of health insurance and its copy;
  • Payment cheque for a Certificate confirming the right of a citizen of a European Union member state of temporary residence in the Republic of Lithuania (8.60 EUR).

For non-EU Citizens (to obtain a (D) type Visa):

  • Passport (or ID card) and its copy (last page with a photograph);
  • Online application form (available on the website of the relevant embassy);
  • 1 photo (size: 34x45mm);
  • An official mediation letter from the university (provided by VMU International Cooperation Department);
  • A health insurance with Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Coverage (must be valid until the visa expires in Schengen Area, must cover not less than 30,000 EUR);
  • Bank statement (with the amount 3852 EUR per year);
  • Payment cheque for visa (120 EUR).

Scholarship Opportunities

Scholarship opportunities for SoMu students:

Mobility Scholarships

Since SoMu is an international joint-degree program, students must spend their second and third semester in partner institutions. To cover part of the expenses connected to their mobility, enrolled students may receive (however, this is not guaranteed as the situation varies and students should be ready to support themselves during their study period):

National Possibilities for Applying for Financial Support


  • Swedish students can apply for "CSN," i.e., state-funded repayable study loans. More information can be found on the CSN website.
  • Scholarship opportunities for Swedish students can also be searched under the Stipendier section on the Stockholm University website.


  • PROMOS: Promos supports students who want to go abroad. However, students cannot apply for the program personally; the scholarships will be allocated by the university to students who achieved good marks. You can find more information about PROMOS here.
  • Auslands-Bafög (Abroad-Bafög): German students can apply for “Auslands-Bafög.” It is financed by the state and covers part of the travel costs, healthcare, tuition fees, and living costs. Half of the money is a grant, and the other half is a loan. Click here for more information about "Auslands-Bafög."
  • Scholarship Foundations: Germany has several foundations that fund talented students. Click here for more opportunities.